Dec 31, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you God for taking us through 2019 securely and meaningfully fruitfully and thank you God for gifting us another year 2020. We hope and pray O God the New Year brings good sense and  peace, love compassion and kindness, good health and positive energy to take on the challenges of the New Year.
Thank you God for thus giving us energy and vitality to live through another year. Grant us O God the right direction to make good use of this energy according to the wishes of our mentor philosopher guide and of course according to your will. Give us O God the good sense of putting in all the energy that you’ve given us to the service of all the living forms of life, that is, human life, animal life and plant life. Make us O God to take good care of all the natural resources that you’ve provided for us, natural resources, like air water and atmosphere. Enrich O God our hearts with compassion kindness and love so that we’re able to use these as supplement to the energy you’ve given us.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 30, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God For blessing us with the spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide who inspires us through our thoughts and drops hints time and time again to get our souls purified further and further so that we’re able to identify the self and the Self within.
To make this process more smooth fill our hearts more and more with love compassion kindness generosity humility and simplicity so that these are clearly reflected in our service to mankind, animal world and Nature. 
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 29, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for keeping us among the chosen few to blessed by a mentor philosopher guide to initiate us in spirituality. We came to realise through his teachings that just as we need physical and mental development we need spiritual development as well for a balanced growth of our personality. Since initiation then, our efforts have always been to replace our negative traits within by the noble attributes of our mentor philosopher guide. Love compassion kindness humility and simplicity have been the key factors to replace hatred jealousy hypocrisy and self-aggrandisement. All this owing to the benevolence and grace of our mentor philosopher guide.
Thank you God and thank you for another day!

Dec 28, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for innumerable blessings and mercies many of which we know we didn’t deserve. Thank you O God for generosity. We’ve always believed in your benevolence and we remain grateful forever. Your extremely extraordinary benevolent act has been to bless us with the spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide to take us through the path of spirituality which we’ve realised now to be the path of love where our assets are acts of kindness compassion generosity forgiveness and humility dedicated to the service and good use of living beings - men and women, animals and birds and Nature - water bodies, rivers, plants and trees, fruits and flowers, air and atmosphere.
Fill us O God with strength and courage to cope with the challenges of the present day world and keep on blessing us through our mentor philosopher guide without which we know it is impossible to take on the present day world of violence, hatred and intolerance.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 27, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for purifying our souls bit by bit day by day everyday through our mentor philosopher guide who has in many loving ways seen to it that a fraction of the Satan, the animal and the brutal ego in our persona is annihilated everyday. O God show us the light of the day when we realise that our persona thus has completely been purged clean of the Satan the animal and the ego. Only the Superego then will live. In other words O God we shall have liberated ourselves of what the Moulvi calls Shirk and we’ll have died before death. Grant us O God that day in our lifetime when we’ll be in complete unison with our mentor philosopher guide and your kind and merciful SELF.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 26, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for changing us through our mentor philosopher guide every moment and for pushing us ahead towards our destination on the spiritual path. Without the spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide, it was quite likely that the negative forces would have taken over us and made changes but we would have gone in the wrong direction. Thank you O God for helping us through our mentor philosopher guide to move in the right direction towards our destination. Fill our hearts O God with more and more love and make our deeds have a touch of compassion and kindness when we serve human beings and other living creatures and make good use of Natural resources. 
Thank you God for another day

Dec 25, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for giving us the good sense through our mentor philosopher guide’s good counsel to count our blessings rather than complain and worry about our sufferings and about what we have not. Thus we’re filled with an extreme sense of gratitude to realise that we have all our limbs intact and in good shape. For example, we have good teeth to bite a morsel and masticate, sharp taste buds to relish all tastes and good digestion to absorb energy out of the good food you’ve blessed us with. We just need to think of a dentist and the patient with toothache to realise how grateful we should be to you O God. 
We then have a look at our fingers, our hands and legs and all the other assets like these that are in good healthy conditions for us to benefit ourselves from their routine functions and think of the divine kindness and mercies that have come our way. We can never ever thank you O God properly. 
Isn’t this little stream of consciousness a huge source of happiness and yet another blessing?
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 24, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for taking good care of us by keeping us in good cheer, by providing for us the essentials like food, clothes and shelter, for keeping us in fairly good health and above all these, for blessing us with the spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide who has seen to it that along with the physical and the mental, we made spiritual development also to his satisfaction. He motivated us to serve people, animals, birds with love compassion and kindness and at the same time take good care of the natural resources around us and make a balanced and profitable use of them without anything going waste. Thank you O God for giving us an environment of peace and harmony when hatred, jealousy and violence seem to rule over the minds of most.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 23, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God that through the valuable guidance of our mentor philosopher guide we’ve been able to see that the sun rises in the East is an unchangeable fact but it doesn’t rise from the same point in the East and at the same time in the morning. So there are small variations within the constancy. Through his guidance, likewise, O God we’ve understood the pull and the tension between the empirical truth and the rational truth and we’re able to understand the truth in shariat and the truth in haqeeqat and are now able to resolve various conflicts. All this was possible through the sheer grace of our mentor philosopher guide, which ultimately is due to your kind graciousness. We are extremely grateful to him and to you and we believe we’ll be taken further on.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 22, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for enriching us with the priceless spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide. I don’t know what loneliness is for in aloneness he gives me his valuable company and rewards me with guidance. I remember Coleridge saying: 
Saints will come, if men will call
For the blue sky bends over all.
Apart from taking us along the spiritual path, he is extremely generous in providing us with solutions to solve our mundane day to day problems. How well he’s engaged us in small acts of kindness compassion and love like providing drinking water and food to birds and animals everyday apart from feeding the needy whenever possible. We are extremely grateful to him for letting us arrange a monthly langar on his date, that is lunar eighteenth every month at the durgah. 
Thank you God for all such gifts and another day!

Dec 21, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for blessing us with a peaceful and comfortable life despite the fact that the life of the majority of people is full of jealousy hatred crime and violence. Thank you O God for filling our lives with unflinching faith in the divine wisdom so that we remain unaffected by the cloaked teachings of the present day clerics and fake fakirs who easily trap un-enlightened and confused people by luring them into assurances of rich and smooth lives through the use of their talismans that would free them from the ill effects of black magic. We are grateful to our mentor philosopher guide who has taught us that these black magicians are not ‘bigger’ than God. We are most extremely grateful to you O God for blessing us with all time spiritual presence of our mentor philosopher guide and not a fake fakir. That again O God is one of your innumerable mercies.
Thank you God for all this and another day!

Dec 20, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for giving us all we need to pull on in life and quite comfortably, too. We thank you O God for blessing us with the invaluable guidance and spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide, we are able to find a way to enjoy the present moment and thank you God for each breath that we take. Our mentor philosopher guide has always been a living legend and an incredible example of selfless service to mankind and how well he has initiated us all to serve people around and at the same time take care of animals and birds and the natural resources in the form of water bodies, mountains and trees. How well he’s filled our hearts with compassion and kindness so much so that our eyes do not look for faults in others but for areas where we can help them. 
Thank you God for blessing us with an outlook like this and we know too well that even our deepest sense of gratitude for ever falls way too short of your blessings, even so ...
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 19, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for purifying our souls bit by bit day by day everyday through our mentor philosopher guide who has in many loving ways seen to it that a fraction of the Satan, the animal and the brutal ego in our persona is annihilated everyday. O God show us the light of the day when we realise that our persona thus has completely been purged clean of the Satan the animal and the ego. Only the Superego then will live. In other words O God we shall have liberated ourselves of what the Moulvi calls Shirk and we’ll have died before death. Grant us O God that day in our lifetime when we’ll be in complete unison with our mentor philosopher guide and your kind and merciful SELF.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 18, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
O God you say whichever gifts would you, Man,  deny and I humbly submit whichever gifts wouldn’t we thank you for! The truth is and I need not hesitate to confess that we can never ever reach in our lifetime the last number of your gifts to us. Our thanks will forever fall way too short of your blessings. 
Your greatest gift to all forms of life - human life, animal life and plant life - is the very breath that you continue to send nonstop as long as we live. Have we thanked you for each breath of life? No! But your magnanimity doesn’t flinch. 
Then you provide us with water to drink. Have we thanked you for every draught of water that we’ve drunk? No! But your grace doesn’t waver. 
Likewise, food! Have we thanked you for each morsel? No!  But your large heart has grown larger. You have not only forgiven our indifference but increased your bounties according to our needs. Clothes, shelter comforts! And we? We don’t thank enough. Instead, we pray for more! 
O God forgive us our frailties and grant us the good sense to count your blessings.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 17, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for taking great care of us and keeping us in good cheer day in and day out and gracing our lives with the invaluable spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide to show us the way when we notice how chaotic is the life in general all over the world. One just needs to go and have a look at the miseries of mankind in any hospital or a court of law or an old people’s home. We pray O God for them and realise how kind and merciful you’ve been to us. We do not know O God how many things you’ve blessed us with and how many things we should thank you for. Forgive us O God our shortcomings and sins for we do not know how small and frail we are and how big and large is your magnanimity.
Thank you O God for your kindness your love and mercies.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 16, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for giving us all we need to pull on in life and quite comfortably, too. We thank you O God for blessing us with the invaluable guidance and spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide, we are able to find a way to enjoy the present moment and thank you God for each breath that we take. Our mentor philosopher guide has always been a living legend and an incredible example of selfless service to mankind and how well he has initiated us all to serve people around and at the same time take care of animals and birds and the natural resources in the form of water bodies, mountains and trees. How well he’s filled our hearts with compassion and kindness so much so that our eyes do not look for faults in others but for areas where we can help them. 
Thank you God for blessing us with an outlook like this and ...
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 15, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for blessing us beyond expectations in all the three dimensions, that is, the physical, the mental and the spiritual. For spiritual development you’ve been so kind to bless us with the spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide at the right time in our life. We stand in awe and gratitude for his all time presence to guide us ahead in life with love compassion and kindness. How well he’s taught and trained us to keep thanking God all the time for we can never ever thank Him properly for all he’s given us.
I remember my mother used to thank Him rather loudly and perhaps with a sigh in difficult times and when asked why thank Him in difficult times, she’d say she thanked Him for considering her fit for those tribulations!
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 14, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for all you’ve given us and above all we can never ever thank you enough for blessing us with the awareness that our mentor philosopher guide is present within us all the time to guide us, help us and caress our being from within with utmost kindness and love so much so that we in turn look for people who need kindness and love and a helping hand. We are then doubly happy to spend time with people in need and help them out of their difficulties.
Thank you God for all your blessings and ...
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 13, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God one more time - and that’s not enough - for blessing us with the all time spiritual presence within us of our mentor philosopher guide who has virtually put our life on a different level and things go on happening as they must as if on an automatic mode and we simply stand as spectators but thanks to his training we readily accept whatever is happening. The key to forward movement, though, seems to be love compassion and kindness and we pass every day with gratitude for all our mentor philosopher guide and you O God have done for us.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 12, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for continuing to send us our breath to keep us alive but we know we haven’t been able to thank you for each breath that we’ve taken . Similarly O God you have sent us our daily bread along with innumerable delicacies and we know we haven’t been able to thank you for every morsel we have taken. You’ve been so kind O God to provide us with nice clothes and comfortable shelter. These are major essentials O God but we’re amazed and bewildered to realise with utmost sense of gratitude how wonderfully thoughtful you’ve been to look after our wellbeing taking good care of the minutest requirement for our existence like the countless cells, the red and white blood corpuscles in our body in the right kind of proportions. We are simply befuddled and bamboozled to just try and fail to comprehend how perfect and complete your way of doing everything is for everybody day in day out. 
We realise our smallness our imperfections and shortcomings and simply pray for forgiveness and cannot but offer our imperfect thanks.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 11, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for taking good care of us day in and day out everyday providing us with the essentials of life. Thank you O God for blessing us with the all time spiritual presence of our mentor philosopher guide who has with kindness, love and compassion very generously filled our hearts with more kindness more compassion and more love so that we feel extremely elated to find an opportunity to help or feed a person or an animal or a bird. Thank you O God for getting our attitude changed towards our environment and natural resources as our mentor philosopher guide has blessed us all with good sense to finally leave this world a better place to live for our children.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 10, 2019


Thank you God for another day!

We are extremely grateful to you O God and to you o our mentor philosopher guide for taking us through good times and bad times and making us hold almost effortlessly onto balance and equipoise for how well o you, our mentor philosopher guide,  you’ve trained us to feel blessed and happy without going overboard during good times and during bad times feel grateful and thankful to God for making us tougher and richer in experience and many valuable lessons in life to take the rough with the smooth.

Thank you God for another day!

Dec 9, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God we are ever so grateful to our mentor philosopher guide for blessing us with the key to happiness peace and calm because we do not anymore judge people, instead we exercise mercy in the hope that you O God, you will show mercy instead of judging us. Likewise, we do not anymore think of revenge if someone has wronged us. In return we forgive them in the hope that you O God will forgive us our wrong doings and sins . Similarly, we’ve learnt to use grace instead of punishment and return hatred with love in the hope that we will be treated likewise by you O God.
Bless us O God with more compassion kindness and love, humility generosity and gratitude.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 8, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you God for giving us the gift of eyes and eyesight. Help us now to see the beauty and the good things in otters rather than look for faults and defects. Bless us with the attitude so that instead of judging and hating we’re able to pray for them. 
Thank you God for blessing us with the faculties of speech. Let our words be polite and kind but firm in belief and spoken in respectfully low polite tone.
We thank you God for giving us the gift of good ears enriched with the patience to hear others. Give us O God the habit of saying ‘Thank you’ when we hear good words and ‘God bless’ when we hear bad words in angry tones.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 7, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Give us the capability to ‘see’ all the blessings you’ve been so kind to shower on us - some of which we know we didn’t deserve. Fill us with kindness and give us kind hearts so that in our actions we’re kind compassionate and forgiving and loving than looking at the faults and judging while we’re dealing with people with animals and birds and with the natural resources around us. Keep us awake all the time O God to notice the spiritual presence within us of our mentor philosopher guide and make us do all that would please him.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 6, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for granting us the quality of looking around instead of having a self-centred outlook but taking stock of people around us and the condition of life they have to cope with. It is only then that we realise O God you have given us a life that is better than the lives of many. This leads to benefit us in three ways: one, we are right away filled with immense sense of gratitude; two, we stop complaining about what we have not; and three, we begin to feel compassionate and sympathetic towards them and add them in our prayers. We are grateful to our mentor philosopher guide who has quietly led us onto this path of kindness and love. Finally we owe all this to your generosity and magnanimity in choosing such a life for us. We thank you O God for all such things and thank you yet again for another day!

Dec 5, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you God for granting us most of what we prayed for and for that we’re ever so grateful. But some of our prayers haven’t yet been answered. Let this O God not in anyway diminish our sense of gratitude towards you. Give us the strength of patience to bear with the present and wait till they are granted. It is quite likely that some of the things we’ve asked for may not be beneficial for us. Give us the good sense to understand your designs and keep us away from getting impatient. Keep us away O God from worrying as worrying according to Rumi is insulting your wisdom.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 4, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you for making us so lucky that we were chosen and blessed by our mentor philosopher guide and all the saints along the line. Help us make the most of his spiritual presence within us to improve our spirituality as our mentor philosopher guide would like us to attain. Thank you God for looking after our mental and physical progresses and thank you God for showering mundane gifts like good food good clothing and security of a formidable roof at the top and rich company of family and friends.
Thank you God for taking us through a number of very tricky, critical and dangerous situations and protecting us.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 3, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you for making us so lucky that we were chosen and blessed by our mentor philosopher guide and all the saints along the line. Help us make the most of his spiritual presence within us to improve our spirituality as our mentor philosopher guide would like us to attain. Thank you God for looking after our mental and physical progresses and thank you God for showering mundane gifts like good food good clothing and security of a formidable roof at the top and rich company of family and friends.
Thank you God for taking us through a number of very tricky, critical and dangerous situations and protecting us.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 2, 2019


Thank you God for another day!
Grant us O God the strength of patience so that we do not feel frustrated when things are not coming our way when we’re most expecting them. Give us O God the good sense to understand your designs and remain satisfied and content with what we have. Give us O God the wisdom to understand your designs - maybe what we’ve asked for is not good for us or maybe it is too early for us to handle. In the given present conditions grant us the attitude that keeps us cool and agreeable to the will of our mentor philosopher guide for it always happens to be your will the will of God.
Thank you God for another day!

Dec 1, 2019

Thank you God for another day!

Thank you God for another day!
Give us the capability to ‘see’ all the blessings you’ve been so kind to shower on us - some of which we know we didn’t deserve. Fill us with kindness and give us kind hearts so that in our actions we’re kind compassionate and forgiving and loving than looking at the faults and judging while we’re dealing with people with animals and birds and with the natural resources around us. Keep us awake all the time O God to notice the spiritual presence within us of our mentor philosopher guide and make us do all that would please him.
Thank you God for another day!