Feb 29, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for granting us the quality of looking around instead of having a self-centred outlook but taking stock of people around us and the condition of life they have to cope with. It is only then that we realise O God you have given us a life that is better than the lives of many. This leads to benefit us in three ways: one, we are right away filled with immense sense of gratitude; two, we stop complaining about what we have not; and three, we begin to feel compassionate and sympathetic towards them and add them in our prayers. We are grateful to our mentor philosopher guide who has quietly led us onto this path of kindness and love. Finally we owe all this to your generosity and magnanimity in choosing such a life for us. We thank you O God for all such things and thank you yet again for another day!

Feb 28, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you God for giving us the gift of eyes and eyesight. Help us now to see the beauty and the good things in otters rather than look for faults and defects. Bless us with the attitude so that instead of judging and hating we’re able to pray for them. 
Thank you God for blessing us with the faculties of speech. Let our words be polite and kind but firm in belief and spoken in respectfully low polite tone.
We thank you God for giving us the gift of good ears enriched with the patience to hear others. Give us O God the habit of saying ‘Thank you’ when we hear good words and ‘God bless’ when we hear bad words in angry tones.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 27, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Give us the capability to ‘see’ all the blessings you’ve been so kind to shower on us - some of which we know we didn’t deserve. Fill us with kindness and give us kind hearts so that in our actions we’re kind compassionate and forgiving and loving than looking at the faults and judging while we’re dealing with people with animals and birds and with the natural resources around us. Keep us awake all the time O God to notice the spiritual presence within us of our mentor philosopher guide and make us do all that would please him.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 26, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for granting us the quality of looking around instead of having a self-centred outlook but taking stock of people around us and the condition of life they have to cope with. It is only then that we realise O God you have given us a life that is better than the lives of many. This leads to benefit us in three ways: one, we are right away filled with immense sense of gratitude; two, we stop complaining about what we have not; and three, we begin to feel compassionate and sympathetic towards them and add them in our prayers. We are grateful to our mentor philosopher guide who has quietly led us onto this path of kindness and love. Finally we owe all this to your generosity and magnanimity in choosing such a life for us. We thank you O God for all such things and thank you yet again for another day!

Feb 25, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you God for granting us most of what we prayed for and for that we’re ever so grateful. But some of our prayers haven’t yet been answered. Let this O God not in anyway diminish our sense of gratitude towards you. Give us the strength of patience to bear with the present and wait till they are granted. It is quite likely that some of the things we’ve asked for may not be beneficial for us. Give us the good sense to understand your designs and keep us away from getting impatient. Keep us away O God from worrying as worrying according to Rumi is insulting your wisdom.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 24, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you for making us so lucky that we were chosen and blessed by our mentor philosopher guide and all the saints along the line. Help us make the most of his spiritual presence within us to improve our spirituality as our mentor philosopher guide would like us to attain. Thank you God for looking after our mental and physical progresses and thank you God for showering mundane gifts like good food good clothing and security of a formidable roof at the top and rich company of family and friends.
Thank you God for taking us through a number of very tricky, critical and dangerous situations and protecting us.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 23, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Grant us O God the strength of patience so that we do not feel frustrated when things are not coming our way when we’re most expecting them. Give us O God the good sense to understand your designs and remain satisfied and content with what we have. Give us O God the wisdom to understand your designs - maybe what we’ve asked for is not good for us or maybe it is too early for us to handle. In the given present conditions grant us the attitude that keeps us cool and agreeable to the will of our mentor philosopher guide for it always happens to be your will the will of God.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 22, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Give us the capability to ‘see’ all the blessings you’ve been so kind to shower on us - some of which we know we didn’t deserve. Fill us with kindness and give us kind hearts so that in our actions we’re kind compassionate and forgiving and loving than looking at the faults and judging while we’re dealing with people with animals and birds and with the natural resources around us. Keep us awake all the time O God to notice the spiritual presence within us of our mentor philosopher guide and make us do all that would please him.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 21, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for continuing to send us our breath to keep us alive but we know we haven’t been able to thank you for each breath that we’ve taken . Similarly O God you have sent us our daily bread along with innumerable delicacies and we know we haven’t been able to thank you for every morsel we have taken. You’ve been so kind O God to provide us with nice clothes and comfortable shelter. These are major essentials O God but we’re amazed and bewildered to realise with utmost sense of gratitude how wonderfully thoughtful you’ve been to look after our wellbeing even spiritually and blessing us with all time presence of our mentor philosopher guide within us to nurture and develop our spirituality and at the same time taking good care of the minutest requirement for our physical existence like the countless cells, the red and white blood corpuscles in our body in the right kind of proportions. We are simply befuddled and bamboozled to just try and fail to comprehend how perfect and complete your way of doing everything is for everybody day in day out. 
We realise our smallness our imperfections and shortcomings and simply pray for forgiveness and cannot but offer our imperfect thanks.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 20, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for giving us all we need to pull on in life and quite comfortably, too. We thank you O God for blessing us with the invaluable guidance and spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide, we are able to find a way to enjoy the present moment and thank you God for each breath that we take. Our mentor philosopher guide has always been a living legend and an incredible example of selfless service to mankind and how well he has initiated us all to serve people around and at the same time take care of animals and birds and the natural resources in the form of water bodies, mountains and trees. How well he’s filled our hearts with compassion and kindness so much so that our eyes do not look for faults in others but for areas where we can help them. 
Thank you God for blessing us with an outlook like this and we know too well that even our deepest sense of gratitude for ever falls way too short of your blessings, even so ...
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 19, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Make our hearts O God larger and larger with love compassion kindness tolerance gratitude and patience. And, give our eyes the habit of looking at the beautiful and overlooking the ugly like the faults and defects of others . Fill us O God with the don’t-judge-but-do-forgive attitude. Thus teach us the trick of creating our own world of peace quiet and harmony out of this chaotic atmosphere around. And, finally, keep us always rich with the awareness and hope that our mentor philosopher guide within is all the time watching us and is ready to help us and push us in the direction of his desire.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 18, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for taking good care of us day after day, keeping us in comfort and good cheer, providing us with our daily needs, good food, good clothes and good company of people who agree more than disagree and who have a. common pursuit with us, that is, to serve with love all living beings without any prejudice. We are grateful to our mentor philosopher guide for initiating us in this area. We cannot express in words our sense of gratitude towards him and you O God for keeping us engaged and involved thus in activities of love compassion and kindness to get extreme sense of satisfaction by way of reward. 
Thank you God for all this and another day!

Feb 17, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for blessing us with a peaceful and comfortable life despite the fact that the life of the majority of people is full of jealousy hatred crime and violence. Thank you O God for filling our lives with unflinching faith in the divine wisdom so that we remain unaffected by the cloaked teachings of the present day clerics and fake fakirs who easily trap un-enlightened and confused people by luring them into assurances of rich and smooth lives through the use of their talismans that would free them from the ill effects of black magic. We are grateful to our mentor philosopher guide who has taught us that these black magicians are not ‘bigger’ than God. We are most extremely grateful to you O God for blessing us with all time spiritual presence of our mentor philosopher guide and not a fake fakir. That again O God is one of your innumerable mercies.
Thank you God for all this and another day!

Feb 16, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for purifying our souls bit by bit day by day everyday through our mentor philosopher guide who has in many loving ways seen to it that a fraction of the Satan, the animal and the brutal ego in our persona is annihilated everyday. O God show us the light of the day when we realise that our persona thus has completely been purged clean of the Satan the animal and the ego. Only the Superego then will live. In other words O God we shall have liberated ourselves of what the Moulvi calls Shirk and we’ll have died before death. Grant us O God that day in our lifetime when we’ll be in complete unison with our mentor philosopher guide and your kind and merciful SELF.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 15, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
O God you say whichever gifts would you, Man,  deny and I humbly submit whichever gifts wouldn’t we thank you for! The truth is and I need not hesitate to confess that we can never ever reach in our lifetime the last number of your gifts to us. Our thanks will forever fall way too short of your blessings. 
Your greatest gift to all forms of life - human life, animal life and plant life - is the very breath that you continue to send nonstop as long as we live. Have we thanked you for each breath of life? No! But your magnanimity doesn’t flinch. 
Then you provide us with water to drink. Have we thanked you for every draught of water that we’ve drunk? No! But your grace doesn’t waver. 
Likewise, food! Have we thanked you for each morsel? No!  But your large heart has grown larger. You have not only forgiven our indifference but increased your bounties according to our needs. Clothes, shelter comforts! And we? We don’t thank enough. Instead, we pray for more! 
O God forgive us our frailties and grant us the good sense to count your blessings.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 14, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for giving us the attitude and desire to pray and follow the instructions of our mentor philosopher guide. Earlier we were just not aware of a lot of things that we are aware of now. For example, we never thought what we were breathing drinking and eating. Now we are and we thank you for the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. We are also aware that not all are able to breathe fresh healthy air, drink clean water and eat good healthy food. This makes our sense of gratitude doubly strong and intense. And, there is a feeling of compassion for those who are deprived of these essentials. We pray for them.
We see that many people haven’t got the kind of clothes you’ve blessed us with to protect ourselves suitably well in all seasons; they haven’t got the protection of a house that you’ve been so kind to bless us with; they haven’t got the facilities that you’ve so generously gifted us. Thus when we look around we realise how kind and merciful you’ve been to us. This realisation doubles our sense of gratitude towards you and intensifies our compassion for the deprived.
We know that this change in our life is due to the valuable teachings of our mentor philosopher guide. We cannot properly thank him and you O God for these.
Thank you God for all such blessings and thank you for another day!

Feb 13, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for granting us the quality of looking around instead of having a self-centred outlook but taking stock of people around us and the condition of life they have to cope with. It is only then that we realise O God you have given us a life that is better than the lives of many. This leads to benefit us in three ways: one, we are right away filled with immense sense of gratitude; two, we stop complaining about what we have not; and three, we begin to feel compassionate and sympathetic towards them and add them in our prayers. We are grateful to our mentor philosopher guide who has quietly led us onto this path of kindness and love. Finally we owe all this to your generosity and magnanimity in choosing such a life for us. We thank you O God for all such things and thank you yet again for another day!

Feb 12, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
O God when I look at my own strength I feel weak. Then by the grace of our mentor philosopher guide I urge for his strength and courage and urge him to fulfil my wish and intent and I see that I am helped miraculously through my routine assignments. Such is the power and grace of our mentor philosopher guide and we cannot but thank him for the kindness and  love that we always get. O Kind and merciful God when I thank him I thank your grace your power your kindness and love because I know you always work through him for his disciples.
Thank you God for all such mercies and thank you for another day!

Feb 11, 2020


Thank you God for another day! 
Thank you O God for choosing for us a path different from the ones taken by most with the sole aim of material success. Our mentor philosopher guide has shown us that path and this path aims at striking a fine balance between material success and spiritual success. For that our mentor philosopher guide has trained and taught us to develop our body mind and spirit in such a way that an exquisite equipoise is attained in our lifestyle and we realise how wonderfully satisfying is this path where material success is not denied but we engage ourselves in service to life in all forms with a compassionate heart and kind loving hands. We are filled with a deep sense of gratitude and carry on life deriving immense satisfaction and pleasure out of helping the weak, giving food to the hungry, taking poor children to school...
We remain grateful to our mentor philosopher guide and also thank you O God.
Thank you God for for another day!

Feb 10, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for taking us along in the leadership of our mentor philosopher guide on the path of tolerance kindness compassion and love while in the whole world we notice intolerance  cruelty jealousy hatred and violence. Man kills man there but here man  helps man and perchance feeds him and above all loves him. In our own little world birds and animals are taken care of for water and food.
Like an oasis in a vast desert ours is a beautiful little world of compassion and love within the much bigger world of hatred and violence. While they live dangerously in fear our heads are held high in confidence and pride of our mentor philosopher guide and we continue to live in harmony and peace. We are overwhelmed with your mercies and kindness.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 9, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thanks to our mentor philosopher guide O God and we are grateful to you as well because his spiritual presence in our life is indeed a divine gift, we have learnt to live life bit by bit, moment by moment in the present moment and neither bother about our past nor worry about future. That keeps us busy in trying to find out ways and means to keep us going like looking out for the difficulties of people around and then trying to solve their problems or getting them resolved through our relatives and friends. This we’ve realised is a positive way of getting our time spent with satisfaction and sometimes getting ultimate happiness if we succeed in getting them results to their satisfaction.
Living moment by moment is like playing ball by ball and trying to take at least a single every ball. If we can hit a four or a six, we need to thank God. If are beaten or our catch is dropped, again we need to thank God and move on without bothering too much. Similarly, in life. If we get an opportunity to serve others in a big way, we need to be thankful to God. Otherwise we should look for small ways of making others feel good by perhaps giving them a smile. If we’ve hurt someone even unintentionally, we need to say sorry to them and pray for forgiveness. This gives us contentment and at times spiritual happiness.
We are ever so grateful to our mentor philosopher guide who has directly and/or indirectly given us the key to live life fruitfully with satisfaction. 
Thank you God for innumerable mercies that you’ve thus showered on us.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 8, 2020


Thank you God for another day
Thank you O God for sending countless breaths, for letting us breathe fairly good air, for giving us good food and for keeping us in good health to eat that food and digest it, for providing clean healthy water to drink, for giving us good clothes to wear, for giving us a house with fairly good facilities to live a comfortable life.
Your blessings thus are endless and we can never ever thank you enough for all you’ve given us and keep giving. Your greatest gift undoubtedly is the spiritual company of our mentor philosopher guide. Can we ever thank you enough for this? But we know you’re magnanimously forgiving and merciful. We believe in your forgiveness. 
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 7, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thanks to our mentor philosopher guide who has taught us to thank God every minute because He sends his blessings for us without stopping. 
We used to ‘look before and after and pine for what is not’. This kept us all the time worried and often we felt frustrated. Depression often used to pull our spirits down and we used to suffer from anxiety. We often felt our patience was stretched to the limit. And often we were pushed to where we seemed to lose hope and faith. 
Our mentor philosopher guide then gave us a solution. He asked us to look at the things God has given us and start thanking God for the things He has given and keeps giving...
How cleverly our mentor philosopher guide has lifted our existence from the marshy land of negativity and fixed it solidly on positive grounds. And he has given us an unending task! Can we finish counting his blessings? And can we ever thank Him enough? Thank you our mentor philosopher guide and thank you God.

Thank you God for another day!

Feb 6, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Our mentor philosopher guide has shown us a beautiful way we can exercise patience without even getting to know that we are observing patience. The secret is to go on counting our blessings and go on expressing our gratitude to God. Thus a fine balance between gratitude (Shukr) and patience (sabr) is automatically struck and attained. Thank you our mentor philosopher guide. Forever we remain grateful to you.
And thank you O God for all you’ve given us and ...
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 5, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for taking us along through the tangible company of our mentor philosopher guide who has guided us through difficult times and taught us and developed our understanding of life and religion through normal times. We have understood the true values of life and religion and come to realise that feeding the hungry and helping the poor are better ways of pleasing God than praying and fasting. Compassion kindness and love must reflect in our speech and actions and our life must be devoted to the service of Man animals and birds and trees flowers and fruits. We must be careful while we’re using natural resources like air and water and see to it that balance is maintained in the ecological system. 
For blessing us with these finer sensibilities we thank you O God and we remain ever so grateful to our mentor philosopher guide and O merciful God to you as well.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 4, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for blessing us with the spiritual company and guidance in our life of our mentor philosopher guide. And how well he has shown us small things like using the right foot to enter pious places like a mosque or a Durgah and exit these by left foot and use left foot to enter places like the toilet and exit by the right foot . After a period of good ten years or so, we’ve realised that by practising a small thing like this we were made to do a tremendous exercise in alertness of the mind. Now we know our limbs and mind work together and our actions are monitored by presence of mind. Our sense of gratitude is doubly enhanced and we feel many times humbled . 
We’re thankful to you O God and we’re ever so grateful to our mentor philosopher guide.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 3, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Our mentor philosopher guide - we are ever so grateful to him - has asked us to first make simple acts a part of our life-style and leave bigger complex acts for later times. For example, he asked us to make it a habit to first sit down, calm down and then begin to drink water slowly and finish the glass in three breaths without ever hurrying through it. Later on we came know that this was how our prophet used to drink water. We also came to know the health benefits of this simple but valuable practice. Then he asked us to put some water in the bowl (from which we have taken milk or milk products like ice-cream or any other dessert done in milk), wash the insides of the bowl, drink it and do it three times. This again, we knew later,  was our prophet’s practice. 
This way every time we drank water or milk or eaten ice-cream or kheer, our thoughts automatically went to our prophet and we thanked our mentor philosopher guide, our prophet and of course you O merciful God. 
How cleverly our mentor philosopher guide has transformed the simple acts into subtle but sublime prayers!
We can never ever thank and thank properly our mentor philosopher guide, our most venerable prophet and our kind and merciful God.
Thank you God for another day!

Feb 2, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Grant us O God good health and fitness and a positive state of mind so that we’re able to look for opportunities to serve O God your creation in the form of humanity, animal world and plant life. Give all of us O God the good sense to use Natural resources in a manner that ecological balance is retained. Fill our hearts with compassion kindness gratitude and love and fill our heads with humility. Give us O God the courage to apologise and magnanimity to forgive. Let our actions remind us and other people the exemplary behaviour of our mentor philosopher guide and make us do all we can to please him. 
Thank you God for another day

Feb 1, 2020


Thank you God for another day!
Thank you O God for giving us a heart that has compassion not indifference, kindness not rudeness, love not hatred and benignity not cruelty. But sometimes O God head overtakes the heart and we are indifferent, rude, hateful and cruel. Later on, our mentor philosopher guide quietly makes us realise our going astray and we repent and pray for forgiveness. Protect us O God from such weaker moments and bless us with all time alertness so that we make the right choices like mercy instead of judgment, forgiveness instead of revenge, grace instead of punishment and love instead of hate.
We are grateful to our mentor philosopher guide and most extremely thankful to you O God for taking us along.
Thank you God for another day!